Paweł Churski

Professor in Social Science
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Research interests:
- Human geography
- Regional and local development
- Regional and local policy
- Green and just transformation
Dean of Faculty of Human Geography and Planning Adam Mickiewicz University
Head of Department of Regional and Local Studies
Habilitation Earth Sciences in Economic Geography, specialisms: Socio-Economic Geography, Spatial Management, Regional Growth, Regional Policy, PhD Earth Sciences in Economic Geography, specialisms: Socio-Economic Geography, Spatial Management, Regional Growth, Regional Policy, is an economic geographer working at the Faculty of Human Geography and Planning, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań (POLAND), Now holds a position a Dean of Faculty, since 2009 Head of Regional and Local Studies Department. His research interests include: the problems of local and regional development in Poland including climate change challenges, factors of development and regional policy in Poland and in the European Union, the challenges of responsible research and innovation and the role of a university in their implementation, the application of econometrics and geographic information systems for spatial analysis, the level and standard of living, the state and changes in the labor market in the period of socio-economic transformation in Poland and Europe. He have the honor and pleasure to work in the framework of the Spatial Planning Committee of the Polish National Academy of Sciences, acting in its structure as the Vice-President. He is a member of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP), in which organization he is a member of the Council of Representatives. He belong to the group of founders of the European Regional Studies Association - Polish Section, in which in the years 2012-2016 he was the Vice-President of Association. He work in the University Union for the Development of the Studies in Spatial Management, acting as a President of the Executive Team and coordinating the work of the group for the improvement of curricula.
Paweł ChurskiFaculty of Human Geography and Planning
Department of Regional and Local Studies
Adam Mickiewicz University
10 Bogumiła Krygowskiego St.
61-680 Poznań, Poland