Opportunities to change the development trajectories of the inner periphery areas in Poland
The 62nd Annual ERSA Congress "Urban Challenges and Sustainable Technological Revolution"
Trajektorie rozwojowe wewnętrznych peryferii w Polsce w warunkach turbulencji otoczenia
Congress of Polish Geography 2023 "Geography of uncertainty" joined with the Jubilee of the 100th anniversary of the Polish Geographical Journal, and the 64th Symposium of the Polish Geographical Society in Poznań May 31 – June 3, 2023.
Development trajectories and distinctive characteristics of inner peripheries in Poland
2023 Annual Meeting of American Association of Geographers, March 21-27th, Denver, US.
8th Central European Conference in Regional Science "Resilience of cities and regions in an uncertain time". 21-23 November 2022r.